We're so close to 3 months! I can't believe it - I know I say that every time, but it's so true! I was away for about a week with a cold and the babies look so different! They're getting that newborn glow! :)
Brennan Nicholas 3lbs 4 oz (birth weight 1lb 4 oz)
Brennan has surgery this week to correct Retinapothy of Prematurity (ROP). See the last post for details. He's doing great! His eyes looked a little cloudy and had some blood in them, but now they're clearing up. Brennan's slowing making that weight gain too - he's up to 31cc of fortified breast milk (add more calories to make it 26 cal) every 3 hours. He's just too active to keep weight on! Nich learned this week what PT we need to do to help him, bringing his arms and legs in together to the center of his body. He likes to sprawl out, but needs to work on center alignment. Babies usually develop this as they get bigger and run out of space in utero, but apparently he was too squished being on the bottom! He graduated to only nasal cannula! He had been rotating between that and CPAP for a couple weeks, but no he can handle only nasal cannula and most of the time on 21% oxygen (room air!) Wahoo!! We're so proud of him!
Quality time with his Jackal! It's helping keep his pacifier in! :)
Giving his nose a break! He's so cute!!
Landon James 4lbs 6oz (birth weight 1lb 7oz)
Where did all this weight come from?! Landon's almost into Newborn clothes! He's doing great - still growing and growing! He's up to 37cc of fortified breast milk every 3 hours! His oxygen settings are slowing decreasing, but we're still on CPAP. CPAP helps keep his lungs inflated by forcing more air than nasal cannula. As long as he's on low oxygen, he can take all the time he needs to get off CPAP (don't want to be a snuffalufagus forever though!!) Landon's ventricles are slightly bigger than his last head ultrasound, but no bigger than they've ever been. They decided to see where they are next week and evaluate pulling more fluid off (he's still having 5cc removed daily). He doesn't seem to mind - actually feels relieved after! We'll see what next week brings. He's such a trooper! Hailey found a picture of Hailey when she was first born and Landon looks like her!
Brooklyn, the first to get a bottle!
Brooklyn Danielle 3lbs 4oz (birth weight 1lb 3.5oz)
It's official! Brooklyn can get a bottle once a day to get her used to it! She's at 31cc of fortified breast milk like Brennan and so far as taken 10cc in a bottle and the rest through her feeding tube. She did great! The nurse prepped me, saying she'll probably choke, stop breathing, turn blue, brady (bradycardia - heart rate slows) etc. But she didn't!! She did great! She was so awake and inhaled the bottle! I did have to put my finger on her chin to give support, which helps them swallow. Other than that...all on her own! I was thrilled! :) She can have a bottle when she's on nasal cannula (9 hours on, 6 hours on CPAP). I didn't get a picture of her laying down like the boys, but she's just as big as Brennan. They've been neck and neck! Brooklyn is being put in her "princess throne" a make-shift bobby for preemies where she's more upright and can look around! This works on her head control - I've been meaning to post a picture! I WILL get to that! She's growing great! We'll continue to work on her head control and bottle!
Our babies are growing so fast right in front of our eyes! They constantly amaze us! God has certainly worked a miracle in them - now they're the most stable on the unit! 23 weekers?! :) Everyone's been asking when we can bring them home and the answer is soon! Not tomorrow, but hopefully someone within a month! This isn't official from the doc's...just parent intuition! Waiting for anything else, a month seems like so long, but when it means bringing home a baby, it might as well mean next week! I'm trying to figure out how to put a poll on my blog, but you'll have to be thinking of who will be first! We are thrilled that they are progressing so well! Praise God! There's no other way! Hailey's been calling to check up on them lately, just an awesome big sister! She actually talks to the nurses! They're so good with her!
On another note, please keep Darren and Katie in your prayers. We have gotten to know them while at the Ronald McDonald house and sharing the same NICU room. They had triplets born at 23 weeks 5 days and all their babies have now passed away. Roman died on Tuesday, he was 7 months old. It was devastating losing Katelyn, I cannot imagine having to go through this 3 times and not be taking any babies home.
Monday, December 14, 2009
11 weeks!
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I will pray for them and continue to pray for you. SO sad for them.
Sending a package your way this week:)
definitely praying for your friends. so very sad.
continuing to pray for you guys as well. so glad to hear the great updates. the babies are adorable...and changing so much. it's amazing!
and what a sweet big sister hailey is...such a blessing!
Wow - that is sad! Poor guys!
I love that Hailey calls the nurses!
I'll be praying for Darren and Katie.
Your babies look so amazing. I remember time seemed to go even faster once mine started the feedings and I swear I blinked and they were home, and now they are active little toddlers. It will all go so fast and they will be home, and you will be tired but loving every minute of it!!! Sending prayers for them to be home with you soon.
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