Day 4: Key West
The last day as we were heading to Key West I got up early enough to see the sunrise and it was beautiful! There were three people (myself included) that were up that morning snapping pictures. And we got some great ones! Every other morning it was cloudy or rainy around sunrise time. I didn't set my alarm, I just have to pee every day at 6:30am. On the cruise I got up, checked the sunrise then went back to sleep for a couple more hours!
We also saw dolphins - there were probably 6 of them that kept jumping keeping up with the back of our boat! I was the only one to actually catch the dolphin jumping in mid-air! Pretty cool . It was worth getting up early the days before!
Pic of our ship! Ours is the one farthest right. There are also 2 Carnival ships that pretty much followed us to each port.Key West was mostly full of little shops, Ernest Hemingway's House, Key Lime pie shops, and lots of touristy attractions. We caught up with a couple friends we had made and walked around the island making up our own sightseeing tour! This is Heather and Trae, Nich and I at the southernmost point of the USA. (as you can probably read from the bouy!) While we were waiting to get our pic taken, a tour guide was telling people that they used to just have a wooden sign saying "Southernmost point of the USA" but each year college kids would come down and steal the sign and hid it somewhere else on the island so the mayor decided to build this huge buoy so they couldn't move it. Useless neat courtesy of someone else's tour guide!!
While walking around the shops we kept seeing "Protected by NASA" in all the shop windows. I thought it was hilarious that NASA had anything to do with Key West's safety, but as we looked closer it ended up just being an alarm company. It would've been a lot cooler if it was THE Nasa!
Another pic of the 4 of us. We hung out quite a bit with them. They stayed at the Airport Regency hotel with us and shared our carpool shuttle to the port. Even though there are thousands of people on the ship, there are some people that you just see over and over again. We kept running into each other and ended up becoming pretty good friends! We had a great time walking around, talking and taking goofy pictures with them!
This is a full picture of our dining table and our waiter's Rakish and Garfield. We had a great company, great service and great meals! I was pretty brave and even ordered some foods that I couldn't pronounce! I also always ordered two desserts (and gained 4 pounds!) There were so good to us! We had a wonderful trip and are so grateful to Grandma and Grandpa for watching Hailey so we good have such a relaxing trip. Hope you all enjoyed the pictures and stories! :)
You guys can make friends anywhere :)!!
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