What a crazy week! The kiddo's are back on track. :) Nich and Hailey have H1N1 and since they've visited the babies within a couple days of being sick, all three of the babies are isolation in the NICU room until Monday. They've moved them to the back wall and are following pandemic precautions to be safe. Everyone that comes on the back side of the room has to wear gowns, gloves, masks and eye glasses and change gowns between kids. The babies have all tested negative to H1N1 but have been started on Tamiflu for the next 10 days, again just to be safe. Nich and Hailey are feeling much better - Hailey only has a cough (which will probably last about 6weeks) and Nich has been fever free for 24 hours! I don't have any symptoms, but since I was in contact with Nich and Hailey, I can't visit the babies until Monday. That has been so hard! I know it's for the best and will follow all necessary precautions, but I miss them! The unit has been very good at making sure we get up to date information about H1N1 and nurses are providing updates on the kids.
Late pictures this week due to H1N1, but I called and got their weights! :)
Brennan Nicholas 1lb 13oz (birth weight 1lb 4oz)
Brennan had a good week overall. He was on minimal ventilator settings (until his bug yesterday) and the docs were planning to extubate him (take his breathing tube out) since he had already pulled it out himself. Monday he had a GI test to make sure everything flowed correctly and that tired him out breathingwise so, they decided to keep him on the vent and get him used to feedings instead. He started feeds on Tuesday 1ml every 3 hours and is tolerating them well! Yesterday he got a bug and was acting really sick so they stopped his feeds, but restarted them today! He's been our steady by sure one. He's been able to tolerate light the best and keeping his covers open for a couple minutes. I feel like we can have conversations just by looking at each other...he is so expressive! I can't say enough it is so amazing to see their eyes and connect with them! They are getting better eye control and I know he sees me through the isolette. I can't wait to hold them and show them how much we love them!
Landon James 1lb 15oz (birth weight 1lb 7oz)
Landon is a stinker...downright stinker! He has been the fiesty one, always swinging. They put him on a paralyzer (since he fought the JET ventilator), morphine drip and Ativan all to relax him. Well, now they want him to wake up a bit to start breathing with the ventilator and to start feeding. He's not too sure...a couple times he just clamps down and won't breathe. He won't let the vent breathe for him, thus his oxygen saturation drops, heart rate drops. The nurses have to stimulate him (tap his foot, talk to him, etc) to get him to relax enough to breathe. They even tried to bag him (pump breathes in through a bag) and the bag wouldn't deflate. He is such a strong little baby! We definitely have our hands full with this one alone! He had his GI test yesterday and passed with flying colors! He may get to eat tomorrow, if everything goes well! He's off his final antibiotic tomorrow. I know I wrote this with Brennan, but it is true for all three. I cannot express how excited I am to connect and see my kids looking at me! Now that Landon's getting less sedation, I can see him and love his spunky personality!
Brooklyn Danielle 1lb 12oz (birth weight 1lb 3.5oz)
Brooklyn has been the first on two things this week! First to eat and first to be on room oxygen air! She's breathing 21% oxygen on the conventional ventilator - that's huge news! She was also the first to eat breast milk. Brooklyn did not have to have the intestinal drains like her brothers so she didn't need the GI test. She and Landon do have lung problems and PIE so this is really good news that she is off the JET vent and on 21% oxygen! Our sweet girl is growing leaps and bounds! Tuesday after I fed her, I just watched her...amazed at all our miracles, how perfectly formed they are and how much spirit they have. God gave us strong fighters and a cheerleader in heaven.
Brennan, Landon and Brooklyn's progress has been bittersweet for me this week. Don't get me wrong I am SOOO proud of them and just adore them, but feel like something's missing. We have had our what-if's surrounding Katelyn's death, and it's been hard for me knowing I won't be able to do the exciting things with her as I'm doing with the other three. I know she's in heaven, not having to go through any of this pain, one day our entire family will be together. We won't have to worry about our health, just enjoying time with our Lord and each other! Keep us in your prayers! It's what helps keep us going!
I remember
3 weeks ago
No one should even come close to "getting you wrong”: God wants you to enjoy the progress of your three little ones, yet He knows you must grieve the passing of Katelyn in ALL the normal steps. He and all that are following your family can see you’re doing a wonderful job coordinating the joy of Brennan, Landon and Brooklyn and their “ups & downs” with the “what ifs surrounding Katelyn”. It’s two extremely opposite emotions that you are having to face at one time and YOU ALL ARE DOING A GREAT JOB!
God Bless…
Still praying for you and your sweet babies everyday! Can't believe they're five weeks already...
Hope Nich and Hailey are well soon and you and the babies stay flu-free!
God's mercy is new every morning and I know he is giving you the strength each day. prayin and the teachers are praying..
Thinking of you all. Thanks for the update.
wow, 5 weeks already! amazing! so glad to hear they are making lots of progress. praying for them. praying for you as you process all of this and grieve the passing of sweet katelyn.
and praying for nich and hailey to get well soon!
Way to go Brooklyn!!!
They are getting so big. 5 weeks WOW, I am sending many prayers your way.
My only boy was the stinker in my group he would hold his breathe in the NICU and turn all sorts of shades of blue. Now at 14 months he is still a breath holder (still turns blue eith it too).
The "What ifs" never seem to end. every time I update my survivors photos my Maddie seems to get smaller and smaller. I think of your sweet little Angel Katelyn often and know she is playing with my Maddie in Heaven..
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